性别 男
职称 副研究员一级
电子邮件 zhaoj@sari.ac.cn
通讯地址 上海市浦东新区张衡路239号
个人网页 中国
一直从事基于同步辐射软X 射线光源的实验方法学研发,发展了一系列软X 射线干涉光刻新技术。研制出的纳米节距标准物质,获得国家一级标准物质定级证书并获得相关发明专利授权一项。
1. 软X射线干涉光刻方法
2. 新型微纳加工工艺
1. 中国感光学会科学技术奖-技术发明奖一等奖,2023年度
1. 国家重点研发计划,EUV 在波长掩模检测技术研究, 任务负责人,2022.1~2026.12
1. 文章
[1] Latest developments in EUV photoresist evaluation capability at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES, 2023,
[2] Theoretical Insights into the Solubility Polarity Switch of Metal-Organic Nanoclusters for Nanoscale Patterning, SMALL METHODS, 2023,
[3] Fabrication of 53.2nm pitch self-traceable gratings by laser-focused atomic deposition combined with extreme ultraviolet interference lithography, OPTIK, 2023,
[4] Two-dimensional sub-200 nm pitch Si gratings with natural orthogonality, APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 2023,
[5] Molecular Glass Resists Based on Tetraphenylsilane Derivatives: Effect of Protecting Ratios on Advanced Lithography, ACS OMEGA, 2022,
[6] Analysis of partially coherent light propagation through the soft X-ray interference lithography beamline at SSRF, JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION, 2021,
[7] Hybrid application of laser-focused atomic deposition and extreme ultraviolet interference lithography methods for manufacturing of self-traceable nanogratings, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2021,
[8] 上海光源极紫外光刻胶检测平台, Extreme Ultraviolet Photoresist Inspection Platform in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, 应用化学, 2021, 第 1 作者
[9] 极紫外光刻胶产气的定性和定量检测, Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement of Outgassing of Molecular Glass Photoresists under ExtremeUltraviolet Lithography, 分析化学, 2020, 第 5 作者
[10] The recent development of soft x-ray interference lithography in SSRF, The recent development of soft x-ray interference lithography in SSRF, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXTREME MANUFACTURING, 2020,
[11] Molecular Glass Resists Based on 9,9 ''-Spirobifluorene Derivatives: Pendant Effect and Comprehensive Evaluation in Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS, 2019,
[12] Nonuniform self-imaging of achromatic Talbot lithography, Nonuniform self-imaging of achromatic Talbot lithography, 中国光学快报英文版, 2019, 第 4 作者
[13] Nonuniform self-imaging of achromatic Talbot lithography, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2019,
[14] Parallel direct writing achromatic talbot lithography: a method for large-area arbitrary sub-micron periodic nano-arrays fabrication, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2019,
[15] Broadband Optical Absorber Based on Nanopatterned Metallic Glass Thin Films, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2019,
[16] Significant Enhancement in Light Output of Photonic-Crystal-Based YAG:Ce Scintillator for Soft X-Ray Detectors, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, 2019,
[17] Fabrication of large-area high-aspect-ratio periodic nanostructures on various substrates by soft X-ray interference lithography, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017,
[18] Fabrication of high aspect ratio nanoscale periodic structures by the soft X-ray interference lithography, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 2017,
2. 专利
[1] 一种同步辐射X射线干涉光刻自适应曝光装置及方法, 2022, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN115421359A
[2] 一种精确缩短节距值的自溯源光栅标准物质制备方法, 2021, 第 6 作者, 专利号: CN111650680B