性别 男
职称 研究员三级
电子邮件 huaip@sari.ac.cn
通讯地址 上海市浦东新区华夏中路393号
个人网页 https://people.ucas.ac.cn/~0010070
中科院百人计划 (2018)
1、中科院战略先导专项《 钍基熔盐堆核能系统 》“堆材料物理与工程”项目负责人 ( 2010 - 2018 1.8亿元)
2、《硬X射线自由电子激光装置》 实验辅助分总体负责人 ( 2017 – 迄今 2.0亿元)
3、上科大双一流“材料科学与工程” 学科“数字材料”平台负责人 ( 2022 –迄今 1800万元)
4、张江实验室二期课题3 “大科学装置建设和管理信息平台”课题负责人 (2019-2021 700万元)
1、“Strain effect on the defect formation and diffusion in Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2: A first-principles study” COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,(2023)218-111946
2、“A Volume Self-Regulation MoS2 Superstructure Cathode for Stable and High Mass-Loaded Zn-Ion Storage” ACS NANO,(2022)16 8, 12095-12106
3、"Stability, electronic, and mechanical properties of Si/Ge substitutionally doped T2CO2 (T = Zr and Hf)" SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS,( 2022) 353 114856
4、“Insights into Synergistic Effect of g-C3N4/Graphite Heterostructures for Boosting Sodium Ion Storage with Long Cycle Stability” ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS (2022) 5 6, 7308-7316
5、“Prediction of structural and phase transitions of Th2CN from ambient pressure to 100 GPa: A first-principles study” COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, (2022)210 110980
6、“Synergistic Engineering of Sulfur Vacancies and Heterointerfaces in Copper Sulfide Anodes for Aqueous Zn-Ion Batteries with Fast Diffusion Kinetics and an Ultralong Lifespan” ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS (2022) 12 21, 2200547
7、“Reversible potassium-ion alloying storage in crystalline silicene”CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL (2022) 435 2, 134961
8、“First-principles study of two new boron nitride structures: C12-BN and O16-BN” CHINESE PHYSICS B (2022) 31 26102
9、“Theoretical insight into adsorption and dissociation of water on NiCr binary alloy surfaces: Early-stage oxidation mechanism” JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIC(2021) 130 11, 115303
10、“Metallic V5S8 microparticles with tunnel-like structure for high-rate and stable zinc-ion energy storage” ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS(2021)42 786,793
11、“Proton-Dominated Reversible Aqueous Zinc Batteries with an Ultraflat Long Discharge Plateau” ACS NANO (2021)15 9,14766-14775
12、“Sample spinning to mitigate polarization artifact and interstitial-vacancy imbalance in ion-beam irradiation” NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS(2020)6, 189
13、“Impact of dislocations and dislocation substructures on molten salt corrosion of alloys under plasticity-imparting conditions”CORROSION SCIENCE (2020)176,108915
14、"Theoretical prediction of radiation-enhanced diffusion behavior in nickel under self-ion irradiation NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES(2020) 31, 79
15、“Theoretical prediction of radiation-enhanced diffusion behavior in nickel under self-ion irradiation” NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES(2020)31 8,79
16、“Migration behavior of tellurium in bcc iron against typical alloying elements: A first-principles study” COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE (2020)181 109571
17、"Ion beam irradiation of ABO4 compounds with the fergusonite, monazite, scheelite, and zircon structures" JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY(2020)103 10, 5502-5514