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      姓名             吴衍青
      性别             男
      职称             研究员二级
      电子邮件       wuyanqing@sari.ac.cn
      通讯地址        上海市浦东新区张衡路239号
      个人网页       https://people.ucas.ac.cn/~0011675




2018-10-01 至今            中国科学院上海高等研究所        研究员三级,研究员二级  
2004-07-12 2018-10-1      中国科学院上海应用物理研究所    助理研究员、副研究员、研究员四级,研究员三级  
2001-11-15 2004-02-05     韩国浦项工大    博士后  
2001-01-01 2001-11-14     复旦大学        博士后  
1992-07-14 2000-12-31     中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所    助理研究员  

1994-09-01 2000-04-02     中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所     博士  
1988-09-01 1992-07-31     复旦大学                             学士




中国感光学会科学技术奖——技术发明奖一等奖 2023年度


1. 中国科学院计划-科技平台专项-科研仪器条件保障-科研仪器设备研制 EUV干涉光刻高分辨率光栅掩膜制作及检测平台 项目负责人 2022/4/1-2024/10/31
2. 国家自然科学基金课题 成像闪烁体表面修饰的物理机制和制备方法研究 课题负责人 2018/1/1-2021/12/31
3. 国家重大科研仪器装备研制开发项目 X 射线衍射光谱与成像纳米器件集成制造课题 子课题负责人 2017/6/1-2022/6/30
4. 国家“十二五”重大科学基础设施建设项目-上海光源线站工程   中能谱学线站建设 系统负责人 2016/11/15-2024/5/15
5. 国家重点研发计划项目 高性能光源关键实验技术与方法研究 小像素探测器课题   子课题负责人 2016/7/1-2020/12/31
6. 中国科学院计划-大科学中心重点研发项目   高效率新原理面探测器研究 项目负责人 2015/8/1 2018/8/1
7. 国家自然科学基金课题 基于新型宽带相干光学技术的软X射线干涉光刻 课题负责人 2013/1/1-2016/12/31
6. 中国科学院大科学装置开放研究项目 自组装技术与超高密度阵列  参加 2011/1/1 2015/6/30
7. 中科院大科学装置维修改造项目    软X射线干涉光刻分支线站的建设 系统负责人 2009/5/1-2011/10/31


[1]DA-HSFER: Empowering High-Performance Incoherent X-ray Scintillation Encoded Imaging with Deep Neural Networks   ACS PHOTONICS    2024
[2]Fabrication of large-area photonic crystal-modified X-ray scintillator imager for optical coding imaging Optics Express 2024
[3]Ultra-low loss SOI waveguide crossings designed by a hybrid global optimization based on deep learning OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2024
[4]Latest developments in EUV photoresist evaluation capability at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES 2023
[5]Feature-enhanced X-ray imaging using fused neural network strategy with designable metasurface NANOPHOTONICS 2023
[6]Ultra-Compact Digital Metasurface Polarization Beam Splitter via Physics-Constrained Inverse Design APPLIED SCIENCES 2022
[7]Photonic crystal based on mott phase change material as all-optical bandgap switch and composite logic gate OPTICAL MATERIALS 2021
[8]Near-infrared plasma cavity metasurface with independently tunable double Fano resonances RESULTS IN PHYSICS 2021
[9]Integrated silicon metasurface polarization beam splitter on a standard SOI substrate OPTIK 2021
[10]The recent development of soft x-ray interference lithography in SSRF The recent development of soft x-ray interference lithography in SSRF INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXTREME MANUFACTURING 2020 8
[11]Design of silicon-based integrated gradient index lens JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS 2020 7
[12]Great enhancement of image details with high fidelity in a scintillator imager using an optical coding method PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2020
[13]Parallel direct writing achromatic talbot lithography: a method for large-area arbitrary sub-micron periodic nano-arrays fabrication NANOTECHNOLOGY 2019 5
[14]A variable fixed-focus constant optimization method for a variable-included-angle varied-line-spacing plane-grating monochromator JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION 2019
[15]The wave optical whole process design of the soft X-ray interference lithography beamline at SSRF. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION 2018
[16]Fabrication of large-area high-aspect-ratio periodic nanostructures on various substrates by soft X-ray interference lithography APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2017
[17]Fabrication of high aspect ratio nanoscale periodic structures by the soft X-ray interference lithography MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 2017
[18] Applications of VUV extra-focus mechanism: high-performance dual-mode monochromator from VUV to soft X-ray. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION 2015
[19] A new extra-focus monochromator designed for high-performance VUV beamlines JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION 2015
2. 专利
CN105784734A 一种闪烁体探测系统 专利授权 2016-07-20