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      姓名             卢飞
      性别             男
      职称             副研究员一级
      电子邮件       lufei@sari.ac.cn
      通讯地址        上海市浦东新区张衡路239号
      个人网页       https://people.ucas.ac.cn/~0045093






1. 原子核的奇特结构
2. 元素起源实验研究
3. 光核物理
4. 新型探测器研发



( 1 ) 丰质子核17Ne的破裂反应研究, 国家自然科学基金项目,负责人,, 2014-01--2016-12
( 2 ) 元素核合成中的关键反应研究,  国家重点研发计划,参与, 2016-07--2021-06
( 3 ) HIRFL能区重离子碰撞中碎片发射机制研究, 中科院先导B,参与, 2020-01--2024-12
( 4 ) 原子核团簇和强子分子态物理, 国家重点研发计划,参与, 2023-12--2028-11


[1] β 衰变实验中电子对γ 全吸收谱的影响, 原子核物理评论, 2024, 41: 467
[2] 中子诱发d产物的微分反应截面的测量,原子核物理评论,2024, 41: 371
[3] Response functions of a 4π summing gamma detector in β-Oslo method, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2022, 33 :6
[4] Laser test of the prototype of CEE time projection chamber, Nuclear Science and Technology, 2018, 29: 41
[5] Investigation of the near-threshold cluster resonance in 14C*, Chinese physics C, 2018, 42:074203
[6] 兰州重离子储存环外靶实验终端时间投影室的动量分辨率模拟,核技术, 2016, 39(7): 070401
[7] Probing effective nucleon masses with heavy-ion collisions, Physical Review C, 2016, 94: 011601(R)
[8] Experimental study of the knockout reaction mechanism using 14O at 60 MeV/nucleon, Physical Review C, 2016, 93: 044607
[9] SπRIT: A time-projection chamber for symmetry-energy studies, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 2015, 784:513
[10] Neutron-hole states in 45Ar from 1H(46Ar,d)45Ar reactions, Physical Review C, 2013, 88: 017604
[11] Influence of in-medium NN cross sections, symmetry potential, and impact parameter on isospin observables, Physical Review C, 2012, 85:024602
[12] Constraints on the density dependence of the symmetry energy from heavy ion collisions, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2011,66: 400-404
[13] Isospin diffusion and equilibration for Sn + Sn collisions at E/A = 35 MeV, Physical Review C, 2010, 82, 051603(R)
Study of the structure of borromean nucleus 17Ne, Chinese Phys. C, 2009, 33(s1):170
[14] CsI(Tl) detector array used in the experiment of the proton-rich nucleus 17Ne, Chinese Phys. C, 2009, 33(s1) :176
[15] Experimental study of the β-delayed neutron decay of 21N, Physical Review C, 2009, 80: 054315.
[16] Performances of a β-delayed neutron detection array at Peking University, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A,2009, 606: 645.
[17] New test and analysis of position-sensitive-silicon-detector, Chinese Phys. C, 2009, 33: 50.
[18] High-spin states in 156Yb and structure evolutions at large angular momenta in even-A Yb isotopes, Physical Review C, 2008, 77: 064323.
[19] Single-Proton Pickup Reaction of the Halo Nucleus 6He on a 9Be Target at 25 MeV/nucleon, Chinese Phys. Lett. 2007, 24: 2785.
[20] The Installation of Cosmic-Ray Testing System and the Test of Resistive Plate Chamber, HEP&NP, 2005, 29:682