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      姓名             郁峰
      性别             男
      职称             研究员四级
      电子邮件       yufeng@sari.ac.cn
      通讯地址        上海市浦东新区张衡路239号






1. 蛋白质晶体学实验方法和应用
2. 基于片段的药物发现
3. 结构生物学



1 国家重点研发计划, 临床严重耐药致病菌通用疫苗研发, 2021-12 至 2024-11, 子课题负责人
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 弧菌属群体感应关键蛋白VqmA的结构、机制、特异性小分子药物设计及噬菌体治疗研究, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 项目负责人


1. The crystal structures of Sau3AI with and without bound DNA suggest a self-activation-based DNA cleavage mechanism, Structure, Structure 31, 1463–1472
2. Finback: a web-based data collection system at SSRF biological macromolecular crystallography beamlines, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2024, 31, 378–384
3. BL02U1: the relocated macromolecular crystallography beamline at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2023, 34:193
4. Complex Crystal Structure Determination of Hsp90(N)-NVP-AUY922 and In Vitro Anti-NSCLC Activity of NVP-AUY922, Frontiers in Oncology, 2022, Article 847556
5. Deploying the Big Data Science Center at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility: the first superfacility platform in China, Machine Learning: Science and Technology 2 (2021) 035003
6. Anti-NSCLC activity in vitro of Hsp90N inhibitor KW-2478 and complex crystal structure determination of Hsp90N-KW-2478, Journal of Structural Biology 213 (2021) 107710
7. Crystal structure details of Vibrio fischeri DarR and mutant DarR-M202I from LTTR family reveals their activation mechanism, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 2354–2363
8. Aquarium: an automatic data-processing and experiment information management system for biological macromolecular crystallography beamlines, Journal Of Applied Crystallography (2019). 52, 472–477
9. Crystal structure of the Vibrio cholerae VqmA-ligand-DNA complex provides insight into ligand-binding mechanisms relevant for drug design, Journal Of Biological Chemistry (2019) 294(8) 2580–2592
10. Crystal structures of phage NrS-1 N300-dNTPs-Mg2+ complex provide molecular mechanisms for substrate specificity, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 515 (2019) 551e557