性别 男
职称 正高级工程师四级
电子邮件 jinlm@sari.ac.cn
通讯地址 上海市浦东新区张衡路239号
个人网页 https://people.ucas.ac.cn/~jinlimin
2011-11~2012-06 南加州大学(美国) 联合培养博士生
2009-09~2012-12 东华大学 博士
2007-09~2009-06 东华大学 硕士
2003-09~2007-06 盐城工学院 学士
2018-10~现在, 中国科学院上海高等研究院, 高级工程师、正高级工程师
2013-04~2018-10,中国科学院上海应用物理研究所, 助理研究员、高级工程师
1. 高热负载元件热缓释技术及结构优化设计
2. 同步辐射光学元件冷却技术与面形精度优化
3. 高精度、智能化仿真分析技术
1. 上海高研院“清风徐来 执笔为廉”廉政征文活动(第三季)二等奖,2023年
2. 上海高研院“学习强国”评比活动“学习之星”荣誉称号,2020年
3. 王善元优秀博士论文,2015年
4. 2013-2014年度盐城市自然科学优秀学术论文成果,2015年
5. 东华大学优秀博士学位论文,2014年
6. 上海市普通高等学校优秀毕业生,2013年
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 基于螺旋线圈的同步辐射前端区强化冷却技术的研究,项目负责人,2019.01-2021.12
2. 中国科学院人才项目,青年创新促进会会员,项目负责人,2020.01-2023.12
[1] Yun-Fei Sun, Tong Li, Lan Lan, Shu-hao Xu, Jia-Hua Chen, Wan-Qian Zhu, Song Xue, Hong-Xin Luo*, Li-Min Jin*. Thermal release mechanisms of a typical absorber at the synchrotron radiation front-end based on finite element analysis, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2024.
[2] Tong Li, Haipeng Zhang, Limin Jin*, Wanqian Zhu, Jiahua Chen, Song Xue*. An improved algorithm for thermal compensation of synchrotron radiation optical mirrors based on Hessian matrix, Review of scientific instruments, 2023, 94, 113103.
[3] Yun-Fei Sun, Tong Li, Lan Lan, Jia-Hua Chen, Wan-Qian Zhu, Song Xue*, Li-Min Jin*. A mini-review on the thermal fatigue properties of copper materials applied at the front-end of synchrotron radiation facilities, Entropy, 2023, 25(5): 714.
[4] Jia-Min Cheng, Zhi Liu, Li-Min Jin*, Jia-Hua Chen*. Finite element calculation for surface shape optimization of a polished synchrotron radiation thin mirror based on bessel-point supporting, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2022, 1042: 167458.
[5] Tong Li, Li-Min Jin*, Wan-Qian Zhu, Jia-Hua Chen, Song Xue*. A reliable FEA-based calculation approach of convective heat transfer coefficient for steady-state thermal analysis of X-ray water-cooled mirrors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2022, 1040: 167288.
[6] Li-Min Jin, Shuai Wu, Tong Li, Song Xue, Jia-Hua Chen*, Wan-Qian Zhu*. Enhanced cooling characteristics of the cylindrical cooling tube using the inserted helical wire coil based on finite element analysis, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2022, 196(8): 1020-1029.
[7] Jin Limin*, Li Yongjun, Zhu Wanqian, Xue Song, Wang Naxiu, Xu Zhongmin*. Thermal analysis of the first ultra-high heat-load front-end absorbers for the ultra-hard multi-functional X-ray beam-line at SSRF; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2021, 989, 164955.
[8] Wu Jiaxing, Gong Xuepeng, Song Yuan, Chen Jiahua, Zhu Wanqian, Fan Yichen, Qin Hongliang*, Jin Limin*. Improvement of the performance of a cryo-cooled monochromator at SSRF. Part I: Double-crystal parallelism, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 985 (2021) 164654.
[9] Wu Jiaxing, Gong Xuepeng, Song Yuan, Chen Jiahua, Zhu Wanqian, Liu Yun, Fan Yichen*, Jin Limin*. Improvement of the performance of a cryo-cooled monochromator at SSRF. Part II: Angular stability of the exit beam, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 988 (2021) 164872.
[10] Jin Li-Min, Zhu Wan-Qian, Wang Yong, Wang Na-Xiu, Cao Jie-Feng, Xu Zhong-Min*. A numerical comparison between internal cooling and side cooling of the reflection mirror for Spatial and Spin (S2) beam-line at SSRF, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2018, 902: 190-196.
[11] Jin Li-Min, Wang Na-Xiu, Zhu Wan-Qian, Bian Feng-Gang, Xu Zhong-Min*. FEA-based structural optimization design of a side cooling collimating mirror at SSRF, Nuclear Science and Technology, 2017, 28(11): 159