性别 男
职称 副研究员
电子邮件 tangt@sari.ac.cn
通讯地址 上海市浦东新区海科路100号
1. 上海市生物工程学会一碳生物技术专业委员会第一届委员会委员,2023.06-2027.06
1. 面向土壤生态修复的多源固体废弃物协同热处理技术集成与示范,中国科学院科技服务网络计划区域重点项目(240万元),项目负责人,2021.01-2022.12
2. 化工产业二氧化碳减排及其高值化利用研发与示范,内蒙古自治区科技重大专项,子课题负责人:CO2微藻固碳合成高品质有机肥关键技术及万吨级示范(1390万元),2021.07-2024.07
3. 微藻固碳协同生态修复技术研发,国家能源集团委托项目(340万元),项目负责人,2023.10-2026.01
[1] Jinli Zhang, Bo Huang and Tao Tang, Effect of co-culture with Halomonas mongoliensis on Dunaliella salina growth and phenol degradation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022, 10, 1072868.
[2] Liping Wang, Zhongyi Qu, Wei Yang, Enliang Ren, Tao Tang, Coupled Urbanisation and Ecological Protection along the Yellow River Basin in the Context of Dual Carbon. Sustainability 2023, 15, 5728
[3] Tao Yi, Ying Shan, Bo Huang, Tao Tang, Wei Wei, Nigel W.T. Quinn, An efficient Chlorella sp.-Cupriavidus necator microcosm for phenol degradation and its cooperation mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 743, 140775
[4]. Bo Huang, Ying Shan, Tao Yi, Tao Tang, Wei Wei, Nigel W.T. Quinn, Study on high-CO2 tolerant Scenedesmus sp. and its mechanism via comparative transcriptomic analysis. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2020, 42, 101331
[5] Wenqiang Qi, Shouhua Mei, Yizhong Yuan, Xuyang Lia, Tao Tang, Quanyu Zhao, Minghong Wu, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun, Enhancing fermentation wastewater treatment by co-culture of microalgae with volatile fatty acid- and alcohol-degrading bacteria, Algal Research, 2018, 31, 31-39.
[6] Yizhong Yuan, Heng Liu, Xuyang Li, Wenqiang Qi, Dujia Chen, Tao Tang, Quanyu Zhao, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun, Enhancing Carbohydrate Productivity of Chlorella sp. AE10 in Semi-cotinuous Cultivation and Unraveling the Mechanism by Flow Cytometry, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2018, 185(2), 419-433
[7] Chuizhao Xue, Libo Wang, Tong Wu, Shiping Zhang, Tao Tang, Liang Wang, Quanyu Zhao, Yuhan Sun, Characterization of Co-Cultivation of Cyanobacteria on Growth, Productions of Polysaccharides and Extracellular Proteins, Nitrogenase Activity, and Photosynthetic Activity. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 181, 340–349, 2017
[8]Dujia Cheng, Xuyang Li, Yizhong Yuan, Chengyu Yang, Tao Tang, Quanyu Zhao, Yuhan Sun. Adaptive evolution and carbon dioxide fixation of Chlorella sp. in simulated flue gas. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650, 2931-2938.
[9]Luhaibo Zhao, Zhiyong Tang, Yu Gu, Ying Shan, Tao Tang. Investigate the cross-flow flat-plate photobioreactor for high-density culture of microalgae. Asia‐Pac J Chem Eng. 2018, 13, e2247.
[10]Xiaoan Li, Tao Tang, Yan Zhou, Yanfeng Zhang, Yuhan Sun, Applicability of enzyme-responsive mesoporous silica supports capped with bridged silsesquioxane for colon-specific drug delivery, Microporous and mesoporous materials, 184, 2014, 83-89.
[11]Luhaibo Zhao, Gaofeng Zeng, Yu Gu, Zhiyong Tang, Gang Wang, Tao Tang, Ying Shan, Yuhan Sun. Nature inspired fractal tree-like photobioreactor via 3D printing for CO2 capture by microalgae. Chemical Engineering Science. 2019, 193, 6-14.
[12] Tao Tang, Xiaoan Li, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Jun Xu, and Feng Deng, Bilirubin adsorption on amine/methyl bifunctionalized SBA-15 with platelet morphology, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2011, 84(2), 571-578,
[13] Tao Tang, Yanling Zhao, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Jun Xu, and Feng Deng, Functionalized SBA-15 materials for bilirubin adsorption, Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257(14) , 6004-6009